Kedu ụdị ngwa ngwa akọrọ dị iche iche? Ngwa nke uzuzu latex na-agbanwe agbanwe
Ngwakọta ntụ ntụ kpọrọ nkụ na-ezo aka n'ihe granular ma ọ bụ ntụ ntụ akpụpụtara site na ịgwakọta mkpokọta anụ ahụ, ihe simenti siri ike, na ihe mgbakwunye a mịrị amị ma kpuchie ya n'ụzọ ụfọdụ. Kedu ihe mgbakwunye a na-ejikarị maka ngwa ngwa ntụ ntụ akọrọ? Ngwa ngwa ntụ ntụ n'ozuzu anyị...GỤKWUO -
Mmetụta dị aṅaa ka ihe onwunwe nke cellulose ether na-ejigide mmiri?
N'ikwu okwu n'ozuzu, viscosity nke hydroxypropyl methylcellulose dị elu, ma ọ na-adaberekwa n'ókè nke nnọchi na nkezi ogo nke nnọchi. Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose bụ ether cellulose na-abụghị ionic nwere ọdịdị ntụ ntụ na-enweghị isi na enweghị ụtọ, solubl ...GỤKWUO -
Kedu ihe bụ hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose (HEMC)?
Kedu ihe bụ hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose (HEMC)? A na-akpọkwa Hydroxyethyl methylcellulose (HEMC) dị ka methylhydroxyethyl cellulose (MHEC). Ọ bụ urughuru ọcha na-acha ọcha, na-acha ntụ ntụ, ma ọ bụ odo odo. Ọ bụ ether cellulose na-abụghị ionic enwetara site n'ịgbakwụnye ethylene oxide na methyl cellulose. A na-eme ya f ...GỤKWUO -
Kedu ihe ether methyl cellulose na-eji? Kedu ka e si eme cellulose ether?
Cellulose Ether - Thickening na Thixotropy Cellulose ether na-enye ngwa agha mmiri na ezigbo viscosity, nke nwere ike ịbawanye nchikota n'etiti ngwa agha mmiri na oyi akwa, na-eme ka arụmọrụ mgbochi nke ngwa agha dịkwuo mma, a na-ejikwa ya mee ihe na plasta ngwa agha, seramiiki tile bondin ...GỤKWUO -
Kedu ihe emulsion ntụ ntụ redispersible eji?
Redispersible emulsion ntụ ntụ bụ mgbasa nke polymer ude mmiri mgbe ịgba ihicha. Site n'ịkwalite ya na ntinye ya, arụ ọrụ nke ihe owuwu ụlọ ọdịnala na-emeziwanye nke ọma, na-emeziwanye ike njikọ na njikọ nke ihe ndị ahụ. Ọ nwere ike melite perf ...GỤKWUO -
Gịnị na-ewu nwekwara ike melite Njirimara nke akọrọ mbuaha ngwa agha? Kedu ka ha si arụ ọrụ?
The anionic surfactant dị n'ime ihe mgbakwunye ihe owuwu nwere ike ime ka akụkụ ciment na-agbasasị ibe ya ka ewepụtara mmiri n'efu na-ekpuchi site na nchịkọta ciment, na nchịkọta ciment a na-ekpo ọkụ na-agbasasị ma gbasasịa nke ọma iji nweta nnukwu usoro na na ...GỤKWUO -
Kọwapụtakwuo na usoro mmepe akụkọ ihe mere eme nke ntụ ntụ latex na-agbanwe agbanwe na nrapado tile seramiiki
N'ihe dị ka n'afọ ndị 1930, a na-eji ihe nkedo polymer mee ka arụmọrụ nke ngwa agha dịkwuo mma. Mgbe a na-etinye ude mmiri polymer nke ọma n'ahịa, Walker mepụtara usoro ịsa mmiri na-agba, bụ nke ghọtara inye mmiri mmiri n'ụdị ntụ ntụ roba, ghọọ mmalite nke oge ...GỤKWUO -
ntụ ntụ latex a na-emegharị emegharị bụ ụdị nrapado ntụ ntụ emere site na ihicha ude mmiri pụrụ iche.
Uzuzu latex na-agbanwe agbanwe bụ ụdị nrapado ntụ ntụ emere site na ihicha ude mmiri pụrụ iche. Ụdị ntụ ntụ a nwere ike ịgbasa ngwa ngwa n'ime mmiri mmiri mgbe ọ na-ejikọta ya na mmiri, ma nwee otu ihe ahụ dị ka ude mmiri mbụ, ya bụ, mmiri nwere ike ịmepụta ihe nkiri mgbe ọ kwụsịrị. Ihe nkiri a nwere...GỤKWUO -
Kedu ọrụ nke ntụ ntụ polymer na-emegharị na ngwaahịa drymix dị iche iche? Ọ dị mkpa ịgbakwunye ntụ ntụ redisspersible na ngwa agha gị?
Polima ntụ ntụ redispersible nwere ọtụtụ ngwa ngwa. Ọ na-arụ ọrụ na-arụsi ọrụ ike na ngwa ngwa na ngwa ngwa. Dị ka seramiiki tile nrapado, mgbidi putty na mkpuchi mkpuchi maka mgbidi dị n'èzí, ha niile nwere mmekọrịta chiri anya na uzuzu polymer redispersible. Mgbakwunye nke redispersible la...GỤKWUO -
Ọrụ na uru nke redispersible latex ntụ ntụ, Nke a ọ bụghị nanị na-ezere njehie n'oge agwakọta na-ewu saịtị, ma na-eme ka nchekwa nke ngwaahịa njikwa.
Ọrụ nke redispersible latex ntụ ntụ: 1. The dispersible latex ntụ ntụ na-emepụta ihe nkiri ma na-eje ozi dị ka nrapado iji welie ike ya; 2. A na-etinye colloid nchebe site na usoro ngwa agha (ọ gaghị emebi ya site na mmiri mgbe emechara ihe nkiri, ma ọ bụ "mgbasa nke abụọ"; 3 ...GỤKWUO -
Agbasara hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose HPMC n'ime ngwa agha mmiri
Soluble hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) bụ ụdị ether na-abụghị ionic cellulose ether, nke sitere na polymer cellulose eke sitere na usoro nhazi kemịkal. Hypromellose (HPMC) bụ ntụ ntụ na-acha ọcha nke na-agbaze na mmiri oyi iji mepụta ihe ngwọta na-enweghị atụ, viscous. Ọ nwere ihe kwesịrị ekwesị ...GỤKWUO -
Mmetụta nke viscosity nke cellulose ether na Njirimara nke gypsum ngwa agha
Viscosity bụ akụkụ dị mkpa nke cellulose ether. N'ikwu okwu n'ozuzu, ka viscosity dị elu, ka mma na-ejigide mmiri nke gypsum mortar. Otú ọ dị, ka viscosity dị elu, otú ahụ ka ịdị arọ nke cellulose ether dị elu, na solubility nke cellulose ether ...GỤKWUO